By Robert H. Gibbs Sponsors of family members are surprised to discover that their sponsorship includes significant and long term financial obligations, even after a divorce. In order to immigrate a family member to the U.S., the citizen or permanent resident petitioner, and possibly other cosponsors, must usually submit an...
Six Critical Things for Employers to Do When You Receive an ICE I-9 Audits
Time is of the essence if you receive a Notice of Inspection from ICE for your I-9 forms in order to retain a skilled defense attorney. ICE inspection notices require that the I-9 forms be produced for ICE within three business days. Contact immediately an attorney who has handled I-9...
Frequently Asked Questions on Approval of I-687 applications
TO: Proyecto San Pablo class members and counsel FROM: Robert Gibbs, Robert Pauw, class counsel RE: Approval of I-687 applications, FAQ 1. What does it mean when the AAO decision says that my I-687 application is approved? What documents should I receive from USCIS to prove my status?...
Frequently Asked Questions about the Asylum Clock Class Action Settlement
Introduction B.H., et al. v. USCIS, et al., which was originally filed as A.B.T., et al. v. USCIS, et al. (hereinafter referred to as the ABT case), is a nationwide class action that challenged the manner in which the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Executive Office...
Settlement Reached in Class Action Lawsuit Over Arbitrary Asylum Clock
November 5, 2013 Federal Judge Approves Settlement Agreement in National Class Action Lawsuit on Work Authorization for Asylum Seekers On Monday, November 4, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Jones ordered the final approval of a nationwide class action settlement agreement. The settlement will help ensure that asylum seekers, who have...
Robert Gibbs Discusses Problems for Visitors at Airport Inspections, Seattle Times, Nov. 5, 2013
November 5, 2013 Suspicious Feds Turn Back Many Foreigners at Airport Thousands of travelers are denied entry into the country each year because of a presumption in U.S. immigration policy that every arriving foreigner intends to stay. It can be difficult convincing authorities otherwise. By Lornet Turnbull Seattle Times staff...
Hearing on the Situation of Human Rights in the United States Deportation System
October 7, 2013 In July 2010, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issued a ground-breaking decision in Smith & Armendariz v. United States, Case No. 12.562 (IACHR 2010), a case brought by Gibbs Houston Pauw and the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL). (more…)
Иммиграционные законы предоставляют защиту и варианты жертвам насилия и преступлений.
Новые иммигранты, будь то в законном или незаконном статусе, часто находят себя в безвыходном положении когда сталкиваются с проблемой насилия в семье. Oсобая разница в культурном, социальном, и правовом фоне иммигрантов также создает трудности защитить свои права когда они становятся жертвами. Например, постоянный житель находящийся в условном статусе, который онa...
“На Усмотрение Прокурора” – Процесс Aдминистративного Закрытия Депортационных Дел Рассматривающихся в Иммиграционных Судах.
Иммиграционные и таможенные органы СШA (ICE) проводят процесс закрытия более 300,000 дел pассматривающихся в иммиграционных судах. Подходящими кандидатами для закрытия дел, являются например те лица, которые проживают в СШA на протяжении многих лет, у кого близкие родственики являются гражданами или постоянными жителями Америки, и у кого нет судимости в криминальном...
Иммиграционные Tребования для Bыезда из США.
В этой статье рассматриваются некоторые общие примеры, когда требуется получить разрешение на возвращение в США до время отъездa. (more…)